Welcome to Ketnipz!

About Ketnipz

A lil bean with big dreams. Building out a community based on the solana ecosystem utilizing memes and the power of virality to bring us to the top!


No need for a DApp!


1 Billion Tokens

0% Buy and Sell Tax

Renounced Contract


Our Strategy & Project Plan

The Ketnipz roadmap outlines the project's goals and timeline:

Phase 1

Token launch


Influencer partnerships and marketing campaigns


1m Market Cap

Phase 2

Exclusive content for holders


Expansion to other blockchains


10m Market Cap

Phase 3

Charity initiative


Partnerships with influencers


Workshops and events for the community


CEX Listing


100m Market Cap

$NIPZ has no association with KetNipz. This token is simply a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return.

Ketnipz - All Rights Reserved

The Plus
The Plus